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The Green Life: A WEEE Problem With E-Waste

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April 13, 2006

A WEEE Problem With E-Waste

Belated kudos to Washington state for sticking electronics manufacturers with the cost of recycling their obsolete (and often toxic) products. The new law, which Gov. Christine Gregoire signed late last month, is the toughest e-waste legislation in the country. But don't start hauling out your old TVs, computers, and monitors just yet--it doesn't take effect until January 2009.

Washington isn't the only state following in the footsteps of the European Union, where the three-year-old Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive requires retailers and manufacturers to recycle their products. Maryland, Maine, and California have similar laws, though the latter two require consumers to pay small disposal fees. According to the Associated Press, 19 other states and New York City have electronic recycling bills pending this year.

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