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The Green Life: Green Your Meal -- Seasonal Foods

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July 28, 2008

Green Your Meal -- Seasonal Foods

Tomato_lover_2 You don't have to be Popeye to enjoy a green meal. Whether you’re sweltering in the nation’s capital or keeping cool in the Windy City this summer, try recipes based on local, seasonal ingredients to keep the environmental impact of your grub to a minimum. This doesn't mean you have to give up on favorite dishes that call for ingredients from far away places. Rather, you can whip them up with a little creativity and substitutes from local harvests.

Don't know where to begin? Start with foods available at a nearby farmers market or raid the produce aisle for basil, bell peppers, green beans, summer squash, and tomatoes--all in season during July and August.

What's your favorite seasonal recipe? Have you found good substitutes for delicious but long-distance foods? Share your tips and ideas here.

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