H2-Whoa! How much water in a slice of bread?
How much water is on your plate? About 70 percent of the world's "blue water withdrawals" irrigate agriculture. World Water Day is March 22, and this year's theme examines food production. To see how many gallons of water bring common foods from field to plate, take our H2-Whoa! quiz.
Q: How much water goes into a slice of bread?
A) Almost 11 gallons.
B) About 4 gallons.
C) It's hard to tell through all this mayonnaise.
Free yourself from water-loaded carbs by wrapping your next sandwich in guilt-free organic lettuce plucked from your water-wise garden (bonus points if you utilize rain barrels or harvest graywater). For the days when you're craving that wheaty comfort food, prepare an open-faced sandwich using only one slice of bread.
--image courtesy of iStock / fatihhoca